Answering Your Questions About Annuities

Do you find yourself researching annuities with retirement income in mind only to find confusing answers or conflicting answers?

We’d like to help.

We identified the top 9 questions our clients ask.


  • Can I lose money? No, immediate fixed and fixed index annuities are guaranteed. Your principal is protected.


  • Will I pay a lot of fees? No, unlike variable annuities which have fees of 3% to 8% – fixed index annuities have no fees except for additional riders.


  • Will my cash flow fluctuate? No,



  • Will we be able to keep our money if one of us become ill or passes away? Yes


  • Can these annuities provide me with income for the rest of my life? Yes


  • Does my income have potential to grow to keep up with inflation? Yes


  • Will I lose access to my funds? No


  • Can I get even more income by laddering annuities? Yes


  • Is it possible for me to get 33% more income? Yes, we use unique strategies with exclusive products.


I strongly believe this is information you need to have in order to make informed decisions.

Andre Zaal